The Beacon of Light

After years in the making and £18 million spent, the Beacon of Light has opened its doors, boasting state of the art sporting facilities for the people of the Sunderland.

Foundation of Light Managing Director, Jamie Wright, has overseen the development of the Beacon, and expressed his delight at finally seeing the facility’s long-awaited completion.

“I’m very happy, it’s been a long time coming in terms of the planning. Our chief Executive has done an amazing job in terms of the fundraising for the building, it’s an amazing achievement and to finally get there and see the building on Stadium Park was a very proud moment for us.”


Wright was keen to highlight what the Beacon has to offer it terms of footballing facilities and how there is nowhere else in the City that can rival it.

“The sporting facilities will be a one stop shop for football and sport.”

“Although there is a number of 3G footballing facilities across the city, this will have eight five-a-side pitches, an indoor five-a-side pitch and a seven-a-side 4G football barn – other than Soccarena in the North East, there’s no other facility like that in the area.”

It’s not just the footballing facilities that the Beacon boasts, facilities are also dedicated to a range of other sports, again unlike anything else in Sunderland.

“There is also a sports hall with netball, basketball and futsal courts marked out,” added Wright.

“With Crowtree and the Seaburn Centre closing, this will be the number one sporting centre for people to access.”


When asked what separates the Beacon from similar facilities football clubs have to offer, Wright highlighted the focus on education, work and offering something for the whole family while visiting the building.

“We offer a link to the other areas of education and work.”

“While a child is doing a football session in one of the footballing facilities, their parents could be doing a foreign language course, or be in one of the world of work zones and using the Jamie Oliver Kitchen learning how to cook healthy meals.”

Wright outlined the Foundation of Light’s main objectives and how they are incorporated in to the Beacon’s daily running.

“It’s that link to the other areas of the building that make it unique. It embodies the four curriculum areas of the Foundation: sport and play, health, world of work and education.”