Primary Stars

What is Premier League Premier Stars?
Premier League Primary Stars uses the appeal of the Premier League and professional football clubs to encourage and inspire children to learn, be active and develop life skills.

Primary Stars is available to every primary school in England and Wales and is aimed at both girls and boys aged 5-11 with activities taking place in the classroom, the playground and on the sports field.

Teaching materials link to the national curriculum and cover subjects from English and Maths to teamwork and PE.

All learning resources used such as worksheets, lesson plans and activity ideas are free to download by parents and teachers on the official Premier League Primary Stars website.

Professional football club staff work with teachers to deliver fun, educational sessions in a range of different subjects in local schools.

Learning is connected to the real world of sport to enthuse pupils when tackling challenging PSHE topics such as resilience, diversity, self-esteem and fair-play.

Primary Stars regularly hosts competitions ranging from football tournaments, creative writing competitions and reading challenges.

The Premier League state that their Primary Stars program encourages children to:
• Be ambitious – work hard and never give up on their goals.
• Be inspiring – set a great example to others.
• Be connected – work well with others and in a team.
• Be fair – treat people equally and think of others.

The resources used by Primary Stars have all been developed by teachers and subject experts such as the PSHE Association.

Club support and online resources are also available to primary school teachers to help improve their confidence and skills when delivering PE lessons to their children.

Schools registered with Premier League Primary Stars are also given the opportunity to apply for free kit and equipment as well as books from celebrated children’s authors.

How are we getting involved?
We will be working with Sunderland AFC’s Foundation of Light covering the club’s Premier League Primary Stars events.

An article documenting the day will accompany a video package showing what happened throughout the event, as well as interviews with the organisers, teachers and special guests.

Here are some of the events we will be covering in 2017/2018: